In the Basque Country, natural cider allows only the use of apples. No water, no concentrate, no sugar (except for the second fermentation of sparkling natural ciders). Therefore, talking about ciders with only 35% of apple juice and often from concentrate sounds so weird for me.

I’ve heard about different projects trying to set a label for real ciders in the UK, and I was wondering if this certification could go international. The Small Independent Cider Makers Association is promoting a 90% certification label, but I’ve heard about others trying to set a lower level label as well (about 75%).
What do you think should be the minimum percentage of apple juice (not from concentrate) allowed to call something real cider?
By the way, the crab apples in this picture are malus floribunda (the Japanese crabapple) and malus sylvestris (the European crab apple).
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