Time to go international. In the past few years I’ve had the pleasure to meet people from the worldwide cider universe, and I’ll be posting about some of them. Because there is nothing better than tasting cider you got directly from the producer, or at least knowing a little about who is behind the glass you are enjoying.

This time is about Franz Egger from Floribunda Cider, one of the most inspiring persons I’ve met, not only regarding to the cider industry, but overall. A very kind gentleman, calm but determined, who makes a very special cider with apples from South Tyrol, an Alpine autonomous region in Italy with Austrian roots.
I had the pleasure of meeting him and his daughter Magdalena during the Sagardo Forum cider conference organized by Sagardoaren Lurraldea, where they received the first prize in the flavored ciders category of the international cider competition. By the way, Floribunda is featured in the book “The Cider Insider“.

Stay tuned about the emerging cider reality of regions that have been traditionally apple producers but don’t have, or have lost, the cider making tradition. This is just one example.
Pictures taken during an interview for Basque Public TV on occasion of the conference and the award ceremony.