Cider Apples, Cider Making


My wife is from The Razón Valley, the birthplace of the famous Butter of Soria. The Valley is a beautiful place, with 7 small villages where only about 400 people live during all the year.

It happens that in the Butter Valley there are also apple orchards. Many of the country houses have their own, where you can find mostly apple trees but also pear and quince.

We’ve been for some days and I’ve found a new hobby. First I picked up some crab apples, and then I started kind a research about orchards and apple varieties in the place.

Some of the orchards are abandoned, or at least it does not seem that they take much care of them, giving them a wild and lovely look. There are apple trees that look old, and different varieties. But most of the owners don’t pick the apples, neither for feeding animals. So I asked for permission and I took about 25 kilos with me.

Guess what’s next?

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